Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Don't give life to ugly things.

Indian mystic guru and philosopher Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) once wrote...

"Give Life to things which are beautiful.
Don't give life to ugly things.
You don't have much time, much energy to waste.
With such a small life, with such a small energy source,
it is simply stupid to waste it in sadness, in anger, in hatred, and in jealousy."

Not only is this a phenomenal piece of advice, but an intimately gratifying way of life.


For every ounce of happiness your love brings,
it is a lesson learned.
It is a new beginning.
It is a new day.
If only for a little while your heart were mine,
it would be time well spent.
For your love is that which knows no time
and makes my heart content.

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