Monday, February 8, 2010

Count your blessings

I don't care for petty and hateful people. Theres just no room in my life for those kind of people anymore.

I honestly feel brand new...

like a weight has been lifted and I find myself wondering how it was that I was ever down to begin with.

People will always try to steal your happiness...

They will lie and manipulate and maneuver until they have succeeded in stealing the very thing that makes you alive...

That holds you up.
That makes you strong.

This is because they need something that you have...

On the contrary there are those few and precious gems that are genuinely concerned with your well being.

If you find those people... NEVER lose them. To lose those people would be throwing a needle back into the haystack of fake individuals with hidden agendas.

Count your blessings and care for them.
It's what keeps you whole.

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
-Mother Teresa

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