Friday, January 22, 2010

He is the hope of a child
wrapped in the body of a man.
He is one hundred years of wisdom
over an eighteen year span.
He is the pleasure of my past
and the excitement of my future.
He is a dream without slumber.
He is a heart-mending suture.
He is a constellation,
painted across the blackest night sky.
He is a song without words.
He is a natural high.
He is enlightenment--extreme awareness
He is selfless temperance.
He is humility and fairness.
He is the very deepest oceans
and tallest of trees.
He is the shore upon the sand.
He is a summer breeze.
He is an epic love story
masked behind tragedies of war.
He is pure.
He is love.
He is everything and more.

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