Monday, January 4, 2010

Find your voice, and use it.

When Billie Holiday was asked where she got her sound, she replied with "I've always wanted to sing the way an instrument plays music."

Lady Holiday had it right when she described voice as an instrument, it is one we all have.
If you want to be heard, use your instrument.

Find your voice, and use it.

"smoke filled room"

Lady sings the blues
as he takes off his shoes.
As he takes of her dress
she's got nothing to lose.

Lady sings her song
he's not singing along.
But he makes her feel good
What on earth could go wrong?

Lady hums her tune
by the light of the moon.
he's taken her soul
and left the saloon.

Lady is alone
in a room of her own.
Lighting her last cigarette
and chilled to the bone.

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